Ebook Download , by Tomer Sharon

Ebook Download , by Tomer Sharon

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, by Tomer Sharon

, by Tomer Sharon

, by Tomer Sharon

Ebook Download , by Tomer Sharon

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, by Tomer Sharon

Product details

File Size: 32570 KB

Print Length: 344 pages

Publisher: Rosenfeld Media; 1 edition (January 19, 2016)

Publication Date: January 19, 2016

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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As my math professor used to say: "Almost passed exam" means... "didn't pass".The author suggests deception as one of the tools for market research. Although it stated directly only in one chapter, it overshadows the whole book. He says: before you develop product, pretend that you already have it. Create a good looking web-site, perhaps and the shopping cart and all. See how many users will actually "buy" what you sell. He "forgets" couple of things, of course. Like you have to pay for marketing to get users to the web-site to buy a product with no brand and no legitimate reviews. But it's not the complete story. This is actually author's suggested way to find out "What users want" - the name of the chapter.Although book has some great advice, it's nothing new. Here is the summary of the book: find users and talk to them. In person. Like make them invite you, the stranger, into their homes where they are wearing sweat pants and all. Spend hours and hours observing them, talking to them.Although he sells the book and the whole approach by making some promises. Such as "finding users for that research is a breeze; it's also really-really cheap. Like cheaper 100 times than what you can possible imagine".In that chapter "What users want" he suggests even "easier" approach: pay for marketing, but don't pay for the web-site. Just redirect users to 404 page. Then say "sorry". Let me tell something to people who think that saying "sorry" when you deceive on purpose solves anything. This IS deception.In the context of the book with many chapters one "little" chapter with deception advice might be OK. Mind you though, little deception IS deception. This book is a deception.

Read the whole book in 3 days. Really like the timeline diagrams that show what questions are important to ask in the beginning, middle, and later stages of product development.Really well designed, easy to read, and a great reference book.

This book is a must read for anyone building a new product/startup or for anyone who already have a product but needs answers from real users. Tomer wrote an easy to read and step by step book with the best user research and product validation techniques like Experience Sampling, Observation, Concierge MVP, A/B Testing, etc. Instead of just showing them he also define which one is best to answer each different question (like "What do people need?", "Do people want the product?", "Which Design generates better results" and many others). For me the detailed step by step and tons of examples to create better questions and observation methods is worth more than gold for any company or startup who wants to really understand its users.

The book contains a lot of tools and techniques that will help to validate and test products. Easy to read and follow.

this book is a best content about design research that i have read! It is simple and the author is direct, and instructive. He has a lot of experience in design and he gives many practical examples.

easy to apply, validation guidelines, good read.

I have to reread the book the second time to properly digest the content.I don't know if the big pictures get into the way and seems to this book could be shorter and get to the point faster.However, it is actually a very good book.

Essential for entrepreneurs and PMs who are looking to validate hypotheses about user wants and needs. Well written, practical in approach, with a wealth of examples. A must read for start-up founders.

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Ebook Download , by Tomer Sharon Ebook Download , by Tomer Sharon Reviewed by Lighter Masters on March 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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