Ebook Pretty DancerBy Cora Graham

Ebook Pretty DancerBy Cora Graham

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Pretty DancerBy Cora Graham

Pretty DancerBy Cora Graham

Pretty DancerBy Cora Graham

Ebook Pretty DancerBy Cora Graham

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Pretty DancerBy Cora Graham

Since she was a little girl, all she ever wanted to do was dance...

But what happens, when the ones meant to protect you above all others are the ones to hurt you the most?

For Lilly, it was easier to hide within herself and her dancing.

Until the right someone comes along and gives her a reason to fight back. He helps her to trust again. She inspires him to dream again.

With one more performance, her dream is within reach. Her past keeps her struggling for her future, but will she let it stand in the way of her dream, too?

Will her dream come true? Does she have what it takes? Can she overcome the demons of her past and find herself again?

First Love, Humor, Passion, Artistry, a story of acceptance.

  • Sales Rank: #634998 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-02-17
  • Released on: 2015-02-17
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
My name is Cora Graham. I'm a pretty boring, quiet person in reality. I have an unhealthy (what the husband thinks) addiction to coffee. I need coffee in a don't talk to me until I've had my first sip kind of way. When I'm driving alone in my van (that I love) I happen to think I'm the best singer in the world and there is no song I can't sing. Don't laugh, you know you do it too. And to my husbands baffled amazement, I love love love martial arts movies. They're my guilty pleasure. What no one knows about me (until now) is that I've always had these imaginary conversations flowing through my head, with these imaginary people, telling me their imaginary stories. Since having kids of my own, I've discovered a bravery I didn't know I had. I tell my boys to be brave in all things, there is nothing they can't do or become. Of course with kids, those dreams can change daily. It's their bravery and dreamful little minds of becoming a scientist, policeman, firefighter (I've even heard ninja) that gave me the inspiration to do what I've always done in my head. Tell stories. My hope is that people will love reading my stories as much as I've come to love writing them.

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Ebook Pretty DancerBy Cora Graham Ebook Pretty DancerBy Cora Graham Reviewed by Lighter Masters on August 22, 2015 Rating: 5

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